Friday, June 09, 2006


Well no new news. We got pre-approval for Luke, but he's not in PGN yet. And 4 days till Sophie's birth mother is supposed to come in for DNA.
It seems all I do now is work and wait for news. Everytime I hear the ding that something new has come into my inbox I pray that it is an email from my agency giving good news. SOMETHING! Sophie will be 18 months old on the 19th. The poor girl does not know her family. She was dropped off by her birth mother at 9 months and now thinks her foster mother is her mother. And she hasn't seen David in 8 months! The foster mother said she shows Sophie our picture every morning, and they kiss our picture before they leave. Last time I was down (4 months ago), she recognized me, but will she recognize me as her mother when we finally get to take her home?
And Luke, thankfully was given up at birth, but just recently had his foster mother changed. He will 10 months the 29th. He was only 6 months old the last tine I saw him, he will have NO CLUE who David and I are. We have missed every milestone in his little life.
The stress of this is definatly taking its toll. David and I both have extremely short tempers, have trouble sleeping, focusing, and feel ready to give up.
But we won't give up. Sophie and Luke are our children, you never give up on your children. Whatever we have to do to get them home we will do. Whoever we have to piss off to make sure they are safe until we get them home, we will. We are on a war path to get our children home!


Blogger Krystal said...

I think it's impossible not to obsess during this process!! I'm hoping that everything goes smoothly with Sophia's DNA this week. I hope you don't mind, but I've added a link to your blog on mine.


1:40 PM  

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