Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Get er' done

What did you do on your day off? Well thanks for asking I worked, I worked about 20 some odd hours since Friday night trying to get the audits I have on my plate done. 10 of it Christmas day alone, yes I knwo I'm Jewish, but as a Jew I have traditions that I would like to pass on to my son such as eating CHinese food and going to the movies, couldn't be done since Mommy had to answer comments such as, change your font. COme again, I got my Master's degree sat for the CPA exam (CPA= couldn't pass again) to change my font, and worry about my spelling. Yes there were some valid comments, but those were outnumbered but frustrating annoying things such as font type.
We did have our Godchildren up for the weekend, and I was able to steel a few hours each day to go Magic Kingdom Saturday night for a few hours and Universal Studios a few hours Sunday. Lukey boy does NOT like to share his Mommy Daddy or G-Mom J. OR HIS TOYS! ANd napping puhlease! Not gonna do it. Got some cute photos of this weekend will post tonight, but for now we have Luke and his chocolate pudding, which he used as a push car around the crappy rental apartment (t-minus 4 days till moving)And him playing in a store!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG Corey! This post made me laugh so hard! I COMPLETELY know what you mean - getting a CPA sure does not seem to curb those ridiculous review notes from coming, does it? And I so totally know what you mean with the alternate version of the abbreviation CPA as well! LOL!!! I saw in your last post that you are traveling soon to pick up your twins. I hope Mike and I will be leaving soon as well to pick up our little guys! :-D

12:26 PM  
Blogger Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

Hi Corey,

We won't let Savannah be a CPA, even though she likes the adding machine! I know what tax season hours are like. My dad is a CPA and his is SO busy and is still going strong and working a million hours.

Luke is so adorable! Love the photos and video!

Good luck with the move and everything!

Happy New Year!

Carrie, Rich, and Savannah

4:55 PM  

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